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Thank you Roy Cropper!

In another post, I criticise Coronation Street for dealing with infertility story-lines poorly. I wish to clarify that I like how they started and got excited when each story began. I admired the actors working with them and hoped I would feel my experiences and feelings had been reflected fairly. Unfortunately, they tend to fall short at the last stage.

However, it was a joyous moment for me to see Roy Cropper correct Yasmin when she referred to her grand-daughter-in-law and grandson’s trying for a baby as their start of a ‘proper family’. I cannot remember the precise wording, but Roy endeavoured to explain that ‘proper’ families are not made that way. I honestly felt warmed through by the sentiments shared by this marvellous character.

A similar advert I admire at the moment is for McCains. I dislike the fact it is for frozen chips, but the exploration of different families, including adoptive mums, single mums, sisters from other misters and so on, was wonderful.

I think dramas and adverts that draw attention to differences in society, but without making it feel like that is what they are doing, are brilliant. It is a hard balance to achieve but there are some talented teams and individuals out there who help people by striving for this outcome.

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